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Councillor update June-July 2024: General rates rise 11.9%, house values up 21%

Writer's picture: Crystal BeavisCrystal Beavis
Tamahere by the Waikato River
Tamahere by the Waikato River

General rates rise drops to 11.9% -

Waikato District Council has adopted its Enhanced Annual Plan for the year ahead and – after three days of deliberations – managed to reduce the general rate increase to 11.9% from the 13.75% first proposed.


The new figure was determined by a combination of factors including a decision to defer or re-scope a range of projects and to reduce reserve funds. The decision came after receiving 227 submissions on the draft 2024/25 Enhanced Annual Plan, with rates affordability raised as a concern by 149 submitters.


The Council will continue to consult with the community on long-term budgets as we start to prepare a nine-year 2025-34 Long Term Plan for adoption next year.


The effect of the rates increase for the 2024/25 year is complicated by a three-yearly district rating revaluation.


Average value of residential housing up by 21%

The latest rating revaluation data from Quotable Value (QV) for all Waikato district properties has been released and shows the average value of residential housing in the district as at 1 October 2023 is up by about 21% from the average value set in October 2020.  


The new valuations have been used to calculate rates from 1 July. This does not mean the Council collects more rates in total than planned, but variations in revaluations will lead to individual variations in the effect of the rates increase.  If your property has increased by the average amount (about 21%) then your general rates increase will be 11.9%. If your property value has increased either more or less than the average, then what you pay in general rates will be affected accordingly.


New rating valuations are now available on the Rates Information Database (RID) on the Council’s website (, and letters confirming the valuations have been posted to property owners.  Property owners have until 24 July 2024 to lodge an objection with QV to the new rating valuation.


Policy and bylaw consultations coming soon


The Council’s new draft Keeping of Animals bylaw has been released for consultation with submissions closing on 29 July.  New draft policies on Gambling Venues and Road Closures for Motor Sports Events have also been released for consultation during the same period. To have your say, go to the Council’s website at


Celebrating Matariki

The appearance of Matariki (the cluster of stars also known as the Pleiades) marks the Maaori new year – a time of remembrance, joy and peace. This year we celebrate Matariki from 29 June to 6 July following the national public holiday on Friday 28 June.

Pleiades or Matariki constellation

There are a variety of events happening across the Waikato district, with some continuing into the the school holidays. To find out about local Matariki events, including school holiday activities at Woodlands Estate, go to the Council’s website and search for Matariki.

To help you find Matariki in the dawn sky, watch the Te Papa video guide on its website at


Dirty Dog Challenge 27 July

The Dirty Dog Challenge is an obstacle course for dogs and their owners. It’s a popular, fun event organised by the Animal Control teams at Waikato District and Hamilton City Councils and held annually in Waikato district at the Ngaaruawaahia Christian Youth Camp. The event has sold out for the past two years – so make sure you register soon if you want to take part this year on 27 July.

Dirty Dog Challenge

To allow more people to take part there are two runs on the day, the first starting at 10.30am and the second at 1.30pm. The event is open to dogs of all sizes, but they must be vaccinated, in good health and temperament, and kept on a lead at all times.  All proceeds go towards dog desexing programmes in the community. For more information go to the Council’s website at


Contact your Tamahere-Woodlands Councillors:

Crystal Beavis, mob 0275 957 927, email 

Mike Keir, mob 027 449 3012, email 

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